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- jiyonge yeoja "isty nara uchiha"
- jombang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
- Isty Nara Uchiha, itu nama penaku :) Blog ini saya buat karena ada tugas TIK. Jadi isinya ya seadanya, cuma tulisan iseng yang mungkin kurang penting...Hhhahaa Jombang (Nara)

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Senin, 20 Desember 2010
GD n TOP "HIGH HIGH","OH YEAH" special cake
wah ... chingu ,pada tau ngga' siapa yang buat ni cake !!!
saia berharap akan bisa membuatkan cake buat mereka .one day
President YG wants G-Dragon and T.O.P to have girlfriends [NEWS]
oh no....!!!!!!
ngga' ikhlash saia, tapi read dulu ya ...
T.O.P, "President YG supports BIGBANG dating", a surprise confession.
While on the topic of their upcoming new album, the boys expressed, “This is a project album that we wanted to release first for the fans who are tired of waiting for BIGBANG’s album. It would be good if they thought of it as a Christmas present.”
When asked about the positives about promoting as a unit group, G-Dragon explained, “We can drink alcohol comfortably. Before, we were uncomfortable about drinking around the other members, because apart from T.O.P and I, the other members don’t drink.”
The duo also affirmatively said “No” when the reporter asked if they had any girlfriends. Slyly, the reported then asked, “Are you sure that’s not an answer with your boss in mind?”. Yet both T.O.P and G-Dragon answered, “Our boss would actually rather us to living a stable life with a stable girlfriend.”
Meanwhile, the two are currently getting ready to make their stage comeback on December 19th’s Inkigayo. Fellow member and maknae Seungri will be making his comeback in January with a digital single. T.O.P commented jokingly, “Because we’re hyungs, we will become number one first,” while G-Dragon said “I hope Seungri wins the number one spot!”
Sources: Nate + Newsen + Image as tagged
Translated by VitalSign @ AKP +
bigbang ice cream
More Big Bang x Marvelous Ice Cream Photos + Short Review [PHOTOS]
Hello! My BIGBANG x MARVELOUS JAPAN ice cream finally arrived. Sharing some photos and what I think of the flavors~

It's really big. It's about 40cm high~

★ G-Dragon's Strawberry Rose Chocolate ★
The packaging:


My Review:
The gold vanilla ice was very thick and the strawberry flavor was strong (but not too sweet). I tried it with coffee and was surprised that it tasted good together! Such an expected combination ^^
★ SOL's Chocolate Banana ★

I really love this flavor! I love that the banana flavor was not too sweet and that the choco-chip layer really tasted like choco-chip cookies. But the chocolate layer was a little too sweet for me.
★ T.O.P's Strawberry Azuki Beans ★


As soon as I tasted it, I knew right away what kind of ice cream T.O.P likes! This flavor is VERYYYYY SWEET! But I think the strawberry flavor was able to balance out the sweetness a bit. There are 2 small rice cakes in between the strawberry ice and the sauce. It reminded me of Japanese sweets, Ichigo Daifuku.
★ D-Lite's Melon Milk Cake ★

I think D-Lite's ice cream matches well with his character. The melon flavor has a subtle fruity taste and the ice cream was soft and very creamy.
★ V.I's Raspberry White Chocolate ★

I think V.I was smart in combining the raspberry sauce with the franc boise ice. The sweet and sour taste of the raspberry went well with the light flavor of the franc boise ice. The ivory white chocolate ice cream was very creamy and overall, I think that this is the sweetest among all the flavors :P
Eating BIGBANG's ice cream inspired me to make some replica made of clay. In order: GD, SOL, T.O.P, D-Lite and then V.I's~

GD n TOP Performance at YESF
G-Dragon&TOP to Perform at Year-End Song Festivals for SBS & MBC [News]
Big Bang’s newest duo unit, GD&TOP, will be present at the year-end song festivals for SBS and MBC.
They’ve already released “High High” and “Oh Yeah” last week, ahead of their full album release on the 24th. The highly-catchy tunes have been well-received by both Big Bang and general music fans alike.
Fans have been treated to additional great news, as YG Entertainment announced that the two will perform on the 29th for the “2010 SBS Gayo Daejun“, and on the 31st for the “2010 MBC Gayo Daejun“.
A YGE representative said, “GD&TOP has just started promotions, but we have decided to have them attend the SBS and MBC year-end music festivals.”
Unfortunately, they will not be present at the “2010 KBS Gayo Festival“, which is sandwiched between the other two shows.
Source: Star News via Nate
best idol groups of the decade & the most anticipated artists
Big Bang and G-Dragon among the best idol groups of the decade & the most anticipated artists [NEWS]
The first decade after the new millennium is finally drawing to a close. Having the most dense history of mankind with the most upheavals than any other generation, the change in culture in the past 10 years is no exception.
New content was constantly produced at an unimaginable speed, and a variety of new spheres were created. Both the producers and consumers of culture got distracted by some of the greatest-known turmoils and, as a result, were unknowingly swept up by the waves of change. Kyung Hyang Newspaper analyzed the last 10 years of Korean culture in closer detail.
‘Digital singles’, ‘bell sounds’, ‘ringtones’, ‘BGM’, ‘sound source’ – these are newly created terms of the 21st century that have now been added into everyday language. The following example will show how the meanings of these terms have changed in the past decade with regards to the mass music market, in comparison to past generations.
From ‘album’ to ’sound source’
When selling physical CD albums were at its peak, it was common to release 10~12 songs in one album which consisted of a variety of genres. During these times, there were many lively discussions about the singers’ musical philosophies and values that were sensed throughout the whole album, but ever since the establishment of online music sites where people were able to download a single song at a time, these discussions quickly became meaningless. Almost instantaneously, virtues of music on whether a song can catch the attention of the general public began to emerge.
The listening environment also began to change as a result of the materialization of MP3 players and other digital devices that made it easier for people to easily listen to music anywhere, as well as download and delete songs freely. Downloading background music for home pages, ringtones, bell sounds, advertisement songs and online games quickly became a leading trend in the music market, and this phase is only getting deeper. This change in phase is also currently bringing out progressive changes in the means of consumption and marketing techniques. Composer Kim Hyun Suk expressed, “The most principal feature to take advantage of on music sites is the one minute previews of songs – the established formula is that if you can’t catch the attention of the consumer in that one minute, it’s over. If you were able to feel the value of a song through music in physical albums, then the current era disgraces the value of music as if it’s some cheap accessory.”
Music experts evaluated that some idol groups and their agencies have managed to secure competitiveness at a global level. The major restructuring of the music market to make idols the core of popular music also modified the environment of the media. It is becoming more difficult to watch TV show programs with singers who are not idols. “As music genres become more biased, the range in personalities of musicians, which is considered the source of diversification for popular music, is rapidly shrinking,” expressed music critic Im Jin Mo.
Meanwhile, three of the eight respondents chose Big Bang’s G-Dragon as one of the three singers whose activities will grab the most interest in the next decade to come.
Best Idol Groups
1. SNSD (7 Votes)
2. TVXQ (7 Votes)
3. Big Bang (5 Votes)
The singers who best pushed through the period of upheaval
1. Lee Seung Chul (4 Votes)
2. Lee Juk (3 Votes)
3. Kim Dong Ryul (2 Votes)
4. Crying Nut (2 Votes)
The singers who will grab the most interest hereafter
1. G-Dragon (3 Votes)
2. Jang Kiha (2 Votes)
3. IU (2 Votes)
4. SNSD (2 Votes)
Source: Kyung Hyang Newspaper & AKP
100% satisfied with G-Dragon and T.O.P's performance
President YG, 100% satisfied with G-Dragon and T.O.P's performance [NEWS]
Watching the two boys' comeback stage on Inkigayo, Yang Hyun seok looked tense. But after they finished, he gave them a big applause and wore a big smile on his face. Here's a short Q&A session with him after:
Congratulations! What do you think of their comeback stage today?
YG: I am very satisfied. They were very nervous but they ended up with a very good performance. They are pleased about it too.
Did you think they will be successful?
YG: I was not quite sure because it is different from the union of the whole group. The success of BIGBANG (in their early stage) pressured them but I think that is good.
How was the response from the fans?
YG: They were very pleased too. Thanks. They will be using Knock Out, High High and Oh Yeah as their three title songs, just like 2NE1. Park Bom also performed with them together (for Oh Yeah) on the stage today which made it even more brilliant. Thank you very much.
Congratulations! What do you think of their comeback stage today?
YG: I am very satisfied. They were very nervous but they ended up with a very good performance. They are pleased about it too.
Did you think they will be successful?
YG: I was not quite sure because it is different from the union of the whole group. The success of BIGBANG (in their early stage) pressured them but I think that is good.
How was the response from the fans?
YG: They were very pleased too. Thanks. They will be using Knock Out, High High and Oh Yeah as their three title songs, just like 2NE1. Park Bom also performed with them together (for Oh Yeah) on the stage today which made it even more brilliant. Thank you very much.
Can you introduce the songs?
YG: High High is a mix of house electronica and hip-hop and its melody is impressive, which lets them enjoy a powerful stage. GD and T.O.P are particularly charming when performing intense kind of music . Their music, coupled with their special fashion sense, definitely gives people a shock. Oh Yeah is an impressive song with some of the lyrics sung by Park Bom of 2ne1, who certainly enhanced the stage performance.
What activities will this unit group have?
YG: We were already too tired today so we went home early. Tomorrow, we will have a discussion with the director of the music video of High High, then we will do some shooting. It might be the music video which will have the strongest impact. They are scheduled to appear at different events and on TV programs at the end of the year.
Postingan (Atom)

Sebenernya ni gambar cuma di tujukan buat saia ,tapi chingu2 jg mau lihat kan!! *lebay....*
Vip Slideshow: Isty’s trip from Seoul, South Korea to 2 cities Tokyo and Incheon was created by TripAdvisor. See another Japan slideshow. Take your travel photos and make a slideshow for free.
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- G-Dragon + T.O.P (Big Bang) - Oh Yeah ft. Park Bom...
- GD n TOP "HIGH HIGH","OH YEAH" special cake
- President YG wants G-Dragon and T.O.P to have ...
- G-Dragon and T.O.P's Comeback Stage
- bigbang ice cream
- GD n TOP Performance at YESF
- best idol groups of the decade & the most anticipa...
- 100% satisfied with G-Dragon and T.O.P's performance
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