About Me

- jiyonge yeoja "isty nara uchiha"
- jombang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
- Isty Nara Uchiha, itu nama penaku :) Blog ini saya buat karena ada tugas TIK. Jadi isinya ya seadanya, cuma tulisan iseng yang mungkin kurang penting...Hhhahaa Jombang (Nara)

time is knowledge
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Senin, 27 Desember 2010
Big Bang x Marvelous Cream 2nd Project [PHOTOS]
The first round of distribution of BIGBANG's special edition ice cream by Marvelous cream is already done. Now, for their 2nd project, the products are being sold at Heavenly Compote in Kawasaki BE Japan from Dec. 22-25, where they decorated the whole store with BIGBANG stuff. Here are some photos of the store:
Bigbang limited box"japan"
Big Bang's Japan Limited Box [PHOTOS]
I got Big Bang's Japan limited box of calender with schedule book today.
(Released day at 12/28)
Sharing some photos~ :)

This box was really big!
Size:30cm×30cm...and heavy box.
Contents are:
Making DVD for Calendar shooting. (About 20 mins)
Big Bang schedule book 2011.
With desk calendar.

The calendar of special present was under contents.
Backside is 2NE1's photo with.

Wall calender is more under contents :)
I got Big Bang's Japan limited box of calender with schedule book today.
(Released day at 12/28)
Sharing some photos~ :)

This box was really big!
Size:30cm×30cm...and heavy box.


Contents are:
Making DVD for Calendar shooting. (About 20 mins)
Big Bang schedule book 2011.
With desk calendar.

The calendar of special present was under contents.
Backside is 2NE1's photo with.

Wall calender is more under contents :)
thx for read it!!!
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Sebenernya ni gambar cuma di tujukan buat saia ,tapi chingu2 jg mau lihat kan!! *lebay....*
Vip Slideshow: Isty’s trip from Seoul, South Korea to 2 cities Tokyo and Incheon was created by TripAdvisor. See another Japan slideshow. Take your travel photos and make a slideshow for free.
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