Senin, 29 November 2010

G-Dragon and TOP Performed

G-Dragon and TOP Performed Their New Song Called 뻑이가요 (ppeogi-gayo) [News]

BIGBANG's G-Dragon and TOP has revealed a new song called 뻑이가요 (ppeogi-gayo)

TOP and G-dragon have revealed their new song called "ppeogi-gayo" in MAMA that was held in Cotai Arena, Macao, on 28th November.

After they're performed 'Hallelujah" with the winner of Best Male Singer, Taeyang, a dialogue popped out in the LED screens showing a caption of "15th December, TOP and GD". And from that we can see that these two person unit group's activities will start on the 15th of December.

There were a lot of rumours of those two's unit group project going around. Recently G-Dragon and TOP throw a party for 'High High' Music Video. Their new unit group has been established since they've tell us about that new rap-centered song.

In other news, MAMA was broadcasted live throughout 16 countries in Asia like Japan, China, Thailand, Taiwan, Hongkong, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore.

jiyonge yeoja

Minggu, 28 November 2010

tipe cewek ideal Personil Bigbang

tipe cewek ideal member bigbang !!!
sebelumnya saia mau konfirmasi kalau tipe idealnya oppa G-DRAGON adalah saia
sudah bukan menjadi rahasia lagi , cuz oppa GD uda melamar saia !!!(gubbbrraakkkk!!!)

check it out guys !! :DD

TOP bilang cewek ideal nya spt Beyonce, Han Chae Young dan Adriana Lima. wow, T.O.P punya selera bagus memilih wanita, khusus nya wanita berbadan bohai dan berdada besar. Kalo gosip ternyata dia dulu beneran jadi Tsukasa Korea di Hana Yori Dango versi Korea, T.O.P pasti akan sangat senang ketemu dengan Han Chae Young di lokasi syuting
 G- Dragon suka cewek seperti Ivy dan Lee Yeon Hee, berarti dia suka cewek yang manis. Apakah G-Dragon nonton Lee Yeon Hee di East Of Eden, melihat cewek ideal nya akting total, Lee Yeon Hee emang cantik, sayang y G-Dragon, Lee Yeon Hee pernah digosipin sama Song Se Hun
tapi chingu sebenernya Gd ngga' mau bilang seperti apa ... coz ngga' enak sama saia ,,, ya ... gimana lagi kan uda ada ikatan di antara kita berdua

 Daesung suka cewek seperti Song Ye Jin dan Song Yoon Ah. Hmm, cocok banget sama karakter Daesung, Daesung suka banget cewek yang berwajah anggun dan agak keibuan.


 Taeyang suka cewek spt Han Hye Jin dan Kim Tae Hee. Berarti Taeyang suka cewek berwajah mungil, gw punya saran, Taeyang sebaik nya mendekati Lee Wan kalo mau dekat sama Kim Tae Hee noona.

 Seungri suka tipe cewek seperti Song Hae Gyo. Seungri punya tipe yang sama seperti Sung Min Super Junior, berarti dia suka cewek berwajah lembut seperti Song Hae Gyo.

nah guys , giamana ? adakah diantara kalian yg masuk k dalem kategori  trsbut ? hehe

tugas from mr.budi

ehm ... ehm .. apaan nih ya .... !!!!
uda ....lah  ngga' usa di tnya , 
nih emang kewajiban saia sebagai murid yang baik and always menaati semua perintah guru !!!
dah ya ... mr.budi that's it .... and kalau ngasi nilai yang banyak ya ... jangan pelit-pelit 
ya ... itung -itung shodaqoh ( he ... he ..he....!!!! )

Big Bang & 2NE1 akan membawakan “lollipop” di konser YG Family?!

Big Bang & 2NE1 akan membawakan “lollipop” di konser YG Family?!

Setelah 3 tahun, YG Entertainment “2010 YG Family Concert” akhirnya akan diselenggarakan hanya tinggal hitungan hari!
Big Bang telah sibuk tahun ini dengan promosi mereka di Jepang dan juga dengan kegiatan solo anggota, juga 2NE1 telah merilis album perdana mereka tahun ini membuat sejarah dengan menjawarai berbagai chart, Se7en dan Gummy juga berpartisipasi dalam konser ini bersama dengan  Psy. Ada banyak penyanyi besar pada pertunjukan untuk konser ini dan ada banyak harapan untuk pertunjukan yg berkualitas tinggi.
Sementara itu, Sebuah kolaborasi dari Big Bang dan 2NE1 memperoleh banyak perhatian (lagi…)

“Tidak sulit menjadi Leader Big Bang!” by G-DRAGON

G-Dragon, “Tidak sulit menjadi Leader Big Bang!”

Berikut ini adalah interview Big Bang dari Electric Love Tour photobook:

Di usia berapa kamu pertama kali mendengarkan musik?

Saat saya masih duduk di sekolah dasar. Ayah dari salah satu temanku bekerja sebagai produser  untuk program musik TV dan saat saya mengunjungi tempatnya, disama banyak sekali album2 musik dari artis2 Internasional. Saya mendengarkan hip-hop untuk pertama kalinya disana dan aku sanggat terkejut.

Seperti “Ternyata ada jenis musik seperti ini didunia ini!”?

Saya hanya mendengarkan k-pop sampai saya mendengarkan genre ini, hip-hop, jadi saya berfikir “Kenapa hip hop disebut jenis musik yang bagus? Saya pun tidak mengerti apa arti dari bahasa asing itu (lagu tersebut).” Saya hanya tidak mengeti mengapa ini dibilang sangat bagus, jadi saya tidak terlalu begitu tertarik sampai saat saya mendengarkan lagu yang berjudul “C.R.E.A.M” by Wu Tang Clan. Mereka grup hip hop Amerika paling terkenal saat itu dan visi saya terhadap musik mulai terbuka.

Jadi hambatan dalam bahasa itu tidak masalah?

Tentu saja saya tidak tau sama sekali arti dari lirik ataupun pengejaan kata2 dari bahasa inggris, tapi saya tidak peduli hal2 semacam itu karena musik itu terdengar sangat keren. Saya memiliki keduanya baik itu CD maupun kaset dan saya mendengarkan mereka sampai CD dan kaset saya rusak, dan saya bernyanyi bersama mereka hingga saya dapat mengerti apa yang mereka katakan. Dan juga saya ingin menunjukkan pada teman saya kalau saya mengingat lirik secara keseluruhan, jadi saya menyanyikan lagu itu di atas panggung, seperti festival menyanyi di sekolah. Saya rasa semua orang berfikir seperti, “Wow!” dan memuji saya, tapi mereka sebenarnya tidak banyak yang menerima ini. Sebaliknya mereka menatap saya dengan wajah seperti mengatakan, “Apa yang ia nyanyikan? Saya tidak mengeri sama sekali.” *tertawa*

Ah, Itu menyedihkan, tapi saya rasa kamu berbeda dari teman2 sekolahmu, kamu pasti satu2nya yang mendengarkan musik luar saat SD.

Iya, tapi teman2 saya yang tidak menerima musik tersebut, sekarang memanggilku dan mengatakan, “Saya harusnya mendengarkan itu bersamamu.” *tertawa*

Dan mulai saat itu, kenorak-an mu (dalam arti baik) mulai di definisikan. *tertawa*

Saat saya masih kecil, saya suka mencoba sesuatu yang baru yang orang lain tidak tau, yang menurutku itu baik. Sebenarnya, hal yang pertama saya mulai adalah menari. Saya menyukai menari bersama dengan musik atau acata2 TV. Saat kecil kita suka berlari atau loncat2 tanpa tujuan kan? Sama seperti itu, saya rasa ini sangat menyenangkan saat saya nge-dance. Ibu saya melihat dan memasukkan saya ke banyak audisi, dan saya diterima oleh semuanya.

Jadi ibumu adalah orang pertama yang melihat talentamu?

Dia mengatakan kalau saya akan menari di depan orang walaupun hanya ada satu atau dua orang di dalam ruangan. Ibu saya mengatakan kalau saya sangat menikmati menghibur orang2, dia memutuskan untuk menaruh saya di industri hiiburan seperti ini. Saya rasa ibu saya itu lebih hebat dari saya. *tertawa*

Jadi, kapan pertama kali kamu ada/muncul di TV?

Waktu itu saat saya berusia 6 tahun. Itu adalah acara TV yang memainkan beberapa games dengan banyak anak2. Sebenarnya itu sesuatu yang tidak ingin saya lakukan, tapi ibu saya menyuruh saya pergi. Saya suka berada di TV, tapi saya ingin jalan2 dengan teman2 saya atau makan snack saat saya memiliki waktu bebas. *tertawa* Saya tidak suka kalau saya harus bangun pagi karena bekerja dan waktu hang-out dengan teman2 saya menjadi lebih pendek. Saya mulai berfikir kalau ini sudah tidak sama lagi, tapi saya mencoba yang terbaik untuk menikmati waktu yang saya miliki.

Bagaimana kepribadianmu saat kamu masih kecil?

Saya hanyalah anak laki2 yang penakut, pendiam dan pemalu yang hanya mengikuti ibuku setiap waktu, tapi ada satu tempat yang dapat membuat saya sangat percaya diri yaitu diatas panggung, menari. Saya berubah menjadi orang yang aktif sejak saya bergabung dengan perusahaan saya sekarang ini, saat saya berusia 12 tahun.

Jadi mulai saat itu kamu mulai dengan jalanmu sendiri?

Saya mulai melakukan hal2 yang saya inginkan, seperti memberikan ide2 saya sendiri saat saya memutuskan untuk hidup di jalur musik ini. Pertama Ibu saya ingin saya belajar di sekolah menegah, tapi setelah dia menerima saya sangat yang sangat tertarik dengan musik dia menjadi yang paling mendukung saya.

tapi sepertinya kamu membutuhkan waktu yang lebih lama dari yang dibayangkan untuk debut?

Saya menjadi seorang saat usia 6 tahun dan menghabiskan waktu saya berpartisipasi di beberapa album senior saya. Saya berfikir dalam diri saya sendiri kalau saya harus dengan PD menantang diri saya sendiri (Saat saya akhirnya debut), tanpa menjadi aneh atau menjadi sangat tidak nyaman.

Jadi kamu harusnya sangat senang saat kamu akhirnya debut dengan nama Big Bang.

Saat saya baru debut, rasanya lebih dari sekedar senang. Saat itu nama “G-Dragon” telah dikenal dan juga diumumkan sebagai grup laki2 idola pertama dari  YG, jadi ada banyak ekspetasi/harapan dari kami. Disampir harapan2 tersebut, tentu saja ada banyak kritikan tapi itu membuat kami, kelima member lebih kuat dan saling berhubungan dengan erat. Kami mengatakan, “Kami akan menunjukkan pada mereka lebih banyak dari apa yang mereka harapkan , kami akan membuat nama kami, ‘Big Bang’ bangga!”, dan sejak itu kami berkerja lebih keras setiap hari.

Terlebih kamu adalah leader-nya, jadi apa kamu tidak memiliki lebih banyak tekanan tentang itu?

Waktu saat kami baru membuat grup kami, saya membuat perbedaan menjadi lebih kecil antara member yang tertua dan termuda. Tapi saya rasa tidak sulit menjadi leader dari Big Bang.

Ini adalah grup yang memiliki 5 anggota dan mereka sendiri memiliki 5 warna sendiri yang berbeda.

Itulah apa yang saya sukai mengenai kami. Mereka mengerti sepenuhnya bagian/pekerjaan mereka masing2, meskipun saya hanya menjelaskan detailnya sedikit, mereka tahu apa yang harus dilakukan. Tentu saja ada beberaga konflik dan pertengkaran/pertentangan hingga kami mencapai suatu keputusan, itu lah apa yang aku maksud sampai kami saling mempercayai satu sama lain.

Contohnya apa yang menyebabkan pertengkaran?

Contohnya, saat seseorang yang tidak suka cara saya makan atau cara saya melipat pakaian2 saya*tertawa* Kami semua tinggal di sebuah apartemen bersama dan hidup bersama2. Memikirkan ini sekarang, sebenarnya kami banyak bertengkar terhadap sesuatu yang sebenarnya tidak terlalu penting. Kami bahkan tidak sempat menyelesaikan permasalahan kecil tersebut dan akhirnya malah memperparah konflik diantara kami, dan itu bisa membahayakan kami sebagai satu kelompok. Kemudian kami menyadari bahwa hal seperti itu hanya membuat perasaan kami merasa buruk. Dan setelah itu, sama sekali tidak ada perkelahian lagi.

nah ... sekarang kalian semua uda tau kan ....!!!!
tetep dah sai mau ingetin "keep fighting "

Source: Big Bang’s Electric Love Tour Photobook

by:isty nara uchiha  

29 November debutnya unit grup Big Bang G-Dragon & TOP?!

[News] 29 November debutnya unit grup Big Bang G-Dragon & TOP?!

Di blog  YG, YG-LIFE, sebuah timer yang tidak diidentifikasi muncul dan meningkatkan rasa penasaran, yang mengatakan kalau itu adalah waktu untuk debutnya unit group yang beranggotakan  G-Dragon dan  TOP Big Bang. Menurut artikel yang diterbitkan di fan cafe, hari itu, member2 Big Bang berkumpul untuk  G-Dragon dan TOP’s “HIGH HIGH” MV party. Seorang fan yang menghadiri pesta tersebut menyebutkan, “Di club, G-Dragon  dan TOP performed sebuah lagu baru yang mengutamakan rap, tanpa adanya vocal, benar2 hanya rap dari kedua member tersebut.”
Perwakilan YG mengatakan kalau baru2 ini member Big Bang melakukan syuting sebuah MV di sebuah club. Ini mungkin dimasukkan dalam album Jepang atau mungkin dirilis secara terpisah. Hanya Yang Hyun Suk yang tau mengenai apapun yang berhubungan dengan penghitungan mundur tersebut.

duh ... terlalu bnyak rumor and komentar yang ngga' jelas ya ...
ehm ... capek deh .... nah sekarang yang terpenting yuukkkk ... kita semua dukung BIGBANG , supaya tetep semangat!!!!

hal-hal unik and lucu dari member BIGBANG

inilah kelakuan2 konyol member Big Bang!! So Funny ^^

Kalian harus liat, dan siap2 ketawa kaya wong edan ya hahahahaha


 eh ....ada yang tau apa maksudnya ngga' .......!!!!!

eh top n gd lagi makan ice cream  ... ada yang mau beliin saia ngga'????

 aduhh oppa GD gitu deh ... masak lupa sama saia ,

kan saia juga mau !!!

# wait .... chingu !!!! 

nih ada yang lucu banget ... D-lite and TOP lagi ngelakuin hal yang konyol and ngga' jelaz!!!

eh .... meski ngga' jelaz ... tapi kamu para vipz tetep bisa ketawan ketiwi kan ...

eh .... mr. top lagi ngapain nih ,  kayaknya tadi kaget .... coz oppa GD tiba-tiba manggil TOP  dengan kerasnya ... ya ... alhasil om TOP jadi terkejut deh!!! 

ehh ... eh ... SOL ngomong appa yahhh
, lagi latihan ngedance or mau ikutan audisi buat sirkus !!!(DDOOORRRR , para penggemar taeyang nyerbu saia nih .... !!! gomen ya ....)
tapi Taeyang tetep punya kharisma and keren kayak biasanya ko' ...( yee...... bener banget tuh , isty )

bentar chingu saia mau ketawa dulu sebelum apload nih gambar ... 
beneran lucu banget ... si d-lite 
ngga' tau sebenernyha ngapain ...
kalau di lihat sih gayanya kayak tante -tante gen it gitu ..
duh diks d-lite ... siapa sih yang nyuruh bergaya kayak gitu ...
yang pasti bukan saia or my namja g-dragon kan !!!

yess ... yesss

friends ..... sekarang saia tau kenapa om TOP tadi ekspresinya sangar and terkejut ...

mau tau ngga' kenapa , setelah mengalami beberapa penelitian and experiment .. 
ternyata om TOP lagi di goda sama si maknae Seungri ...
si Seungri pake baju cewe' and si om TOP ngerasa illfeel banget duduk sama si maknae yang lagi kumat ...
ya ... gimana lagi obatny alagi di sita sama GD ...

wah ... emang si maknae kita ini uda bener -bener kumat ya ...., eh vipz cepetan beliin VI obat , di obat jamu terdekat ya ....

G-DRAGON ( suami saia )

 eh ... coba deh lihat apa yang lagi di lakuin sama suami tercinta saia GD 
( di larang illfeel ... coz dia tuh suami saia ) 

eh ... chingu ... nih saia dapet image yang keren nih ... si maknae kita habiz makan gorengan 
and banyak bekas minyak di lips nya ada yang mau bantu  ngusapin ngga'

( benta VI kayaknya banyak yang mau daftar jadi ....)

ehhmmmm ... sebagai akhiron ... nih ada kebiasaan dari suami saia yang sedang menggigit kuku jari tangan nya yang imut  !!!

that's all


THE last i say 


by: isty nara uchiha

Big Bang's Lotte Duty Free Mini Booklet

Big Bang's Lotte Duty Free Mini Booklet [PHOTOS]






 jiyonge yeoja


Jumat, 26 November 2010

Who has the Collest Airport Fashion Sense ?

jiyonge yeoja
Who has the Collest Airport Fashion Sense ?

Para seleb KPop ini benar-benar memiliki kharisma yang begitu kuat dan mampu menarik perhatian orang-orang di sekitarnya. Dan berdasarkan polling yang diadakan oleh mereka terpilih sebagai seleb cowok yang paling keren airport fashion-nya.
Hmm, penasaran apakah idolamu salah satu diantaranya? Check this one out!

1. Big Bang‘s G-Dragon
2. DBSK‘s YooChun
3. 2PM‘s Junsu
4. BEAST‘s DooJoon
5. SHINee‘s Taemin

 Congratulation for GD .... para VIP's akan mendukungmu,
Big Bang is VIP !!!!!!     

Fan Fiction One Time Big Time (one-three shots R / NR stories) Chapter 2

Fan Fiction

One Time Big Time (one-three shots R / NR stories)

jiyonge yeoja

Chapter 2

Yunho U-know 2/2 -rated-

Yunho started to feel hungry after he locked himself for hours in his room. It was already late at night and it was about time he ate some dinner.
‘Food. Yeah, maybe some food will help.’ Yunho said to himself as he opened the door. He hoped that ______ would be out of sight.
He released a sigh of relief as he observed the silence downstairs, meaning ______ wasn’t there.
Yunho walked into the kitchen, getting a few Tupperware’s from the fridge and popping them inside the microwave to heat up.
He chewed and chewed, ate and digested his dinner but nothing. His hunger for _______ is still there. His hormones were getting the best of him.

- Half an hour later –

“This is wrong” Yunho mumbled to himself as he walked up the stairs
“I can’t believe I’m doing this. I have no self control” He continued to talk to himself as he walked down the hallway
“Jae’s gonna laugh at me and my sister’s gonna loathe me for this.” He stopped in front of the guest room, where _______ was staying.
“______ will hate me if she doesn't want it. Fuck I hope she wants this cause I really want her now.” Yunho admitted to himself. He knocked on the door but there was no response.
He sighed and let the deadly sin of lust take over him as he turned the knob and opened the door.
He thought she was maybe sleeping already, but he still wanted to take his chances.
He closed the door gently behind him and looked over at _______’s bed. The room was dimly lighted but his eyes told him that _______ was on the bed already. Just the thought of topping over ______ got him excited already.
He carefully walked towards the bed, taking his shirt off midway, lazily tossing it somewhere.
‘_______...” he seductively called out to her as he climbed on the bed.
He cautiously went under the covers, his arms already stretched out ready to hold ______’s body.
Yunho’s eyes widened as he only felt nothing but the body pillow on the bed. He tried to extend his arms to wherever and still nothing. He sat up and took the comforter off the bed. Only the pillows and bolster occupied the bed.
Suddenly the room got bright as more lights were opened. ______ just finished taking a bath and walked inside her room.
Her eyes immediately shifted to the center of the room as she noticed a topless Yunho on her bed.
“Yunho oppa??” ______ called out to Yunho making him freeze.
Yunho quickly got off ______’s bed and tried to straighten himself.
“What were you doing?” _______ asked curiously.
“Oh uhm…I ... I thought I lost something. But I guess it wasn’t here so I’ll go now. Bye.” Yunho quickly answered and ended up chuckling before brisk walking out of the room.
_______ was confused, she didn’t know if she would be offended, “Did he think I stole something from him?”
She tried to shrug it off at first as she continued to dry her hair.

A sexually frustrated and extremely embarrassed Yunho went back to his room, cursing to himself.
He lay down on the bed and just tried to forget everything, he kept shifting as he tried to sleep but he couldn’t.
Then ______’s image just minutes earlier flashed through his mind. She was wearing an oversized shirt that ended at her mid-thigh, he didn’t even know if she was wearing shorts or not. Her hair was still wet and the water from it dripped down to her shirt, leaving some wet patches.
‘Wow. Great. Just great.’ Yunho muttered as he felt an erection. He didn’t have any choice but to pull down his jogging pants and boxers to pleasure himself.
He lay comfortably on the bed and started stroking himself, wishing…imagining it was _______ doing it for him.

______ on the other hand noticed Yunho’s shirt on her bedroom floor.
‘Oh yeah. Why was he topless?’ ______ thought to herself as she recalled Yunho’s physique.
She shook her head and got the shirt off from the floor. She made her way out of the room and walked towards Yunho’s room.
The door to his room wasn’t fully closed so as soon as _______ was close enough, she heard moans and grunts coming from his room.
Her eyes widened when he heard Yunho’s voice softly call out her name.
Curious, she got the guts to push the door to open widely and got surprised with what she saw.
A gasp came out from ______ as she saw what Yunho was doing.
Yunho opened his eyes widely when he heard a voice in his room. He sat up from his bed and saw _______ staring at him.
‘F*ck. Can this night get any more humiliating’ Yunho thought.
“uhm…sorry. I didn’t see anything I mean I just wanted to return this. This is your shirt, right?” a flustered and blushing _______ asked him as she looked down and extended her hand forward to give the shirt to Yunho.
Yunho didn’t care anymore, there was no point in denying anything now. He got up from his bed bare naked and walked towards ______.
_______ wanted to turn around since she heard and could see Yunho moving closer to her. But before she could even move she already felt his hands on her waist. She was still looking down and saw Yunho’s pride and glory. She immediately looked up to face the ceiling but as soon as she did Yunho caught her lips with his.
He started kissing her hungrily; something both of them did not expect to happen…ever.
As soon as the shock subsided, ______ closed her eyes and finally gave in and kissed Yunho back passionately. She dropped his shirt on the floor and nervously wrapped her arms around his neck.
‘Oh God. He’s such a good kisser’ ______ realized. ‘If his kisses could do this, what more about his skills in bed.’
The kiss continued to heat up until Yunho sloppily dragged his mouth down on her ______ neck.
“Ahhh….” _______ released a dreamy sigh that made Yunho smirk. He continued to suck on her neck and trace her jaw line with his tongue and nibble on her from time to time.
______ took all her courage to drop her hand that was resting on Yunho’s shoulder. It only took her a matter of seconds before she took matters in her own hands…literally.
Yunho gasped in delight and shock as he felt _______’s hand wrap around his hard-on.
She slowly stroked him and Yunho brought his lips back to _______’s.
Both of them moaned into the kiss as Yunho’s tongue went everywhere inside her mouth.
He broke off the kiss as he felt ______ pleasure him with her hands faster.
“What do you think are you doing?” Yunho asked curiously, not that he was protesting. He was just curious as to why she initiated that act.
“It was uncomfortably poking me. Do you want me to stop?” ______ asked seductively as Yunho’s eyes focused on her.
“No...faster.” He whispered seductively in her ear, making her shiver when she felt his hot breath on her skin.
_______ smirked and didn't change her pace. She got on her knees and looked up at Yunho. His eyes widened when he saw her go down. Their eyes met and _______ teasingly licked the tip of Yunho making him grunt and curse into the air.
_______ sucked on Yunho’s little ‘Yunnie’ that’s not little anymore. He tilted his head back and moaned ever so sexily.
Her mouth did wonders on him and he felt like exploding right away. It took everything in him to control himself and stop her. Yunho surprised _______ as he lifted her up from the floor and carried her to the bed.

He hovered over her as he rolled her shirt up. Kissing and licking the new flesh of skin that’s being revealed to him until he was able to take her shirt off.
She was braless and Yunho couldn’t help but ogle at her breasts.
“_______, you’ll be the death of me.” Yunho expressed. He didn’t waste anymore time and started on sucking _______’s breast, swirling his tongue around her nipple while his other hand kept on caressing the other.
“mmm, oppa…” she softly moaned as her hands roamed around his hair and back.
The lust and crave to feel her body took over him and he's just glad that she responded well
Yunho’s other hand grazed _______’s legs, slowly going up until he reached her inner thighs.
He smoothly and swiftly took _______’s panties off.
______ inhaled sharply as she felt Yunho’s hand rubbing her lips down south.
“You’re all grown up now, huh.” Yunho said teasingly as he started trailing kisses down.
Yunho’s kisses finally ceased as he stopped and looked at _______’s wet folds.
He smiled and looked at her before licking her lips down south, earning louder moans from _______. “Oh God oppa.” That’s all she could say, besides her moans and heavy breathing.
He started to put his fingers inside her, stretching her insides to prepare for him.
The girl under him started to curse and he couldn’t get any more turned on.
After a mix of ‘ahhh’s and moans, _______ released a sigh of relief as she climaxed.
Yunho brought his lips back to her face and kissed her passionately again.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Yunho stopped to ask _______ with concern.
______ bit her lip and softly nodded as a response.
After getting his answer Yunho kissed ______ again and started guiding his cock slowly inside her.
He felt her stiffen up a bit but with his kisses, he assured her that he would be gentle.
Yunho started on slow as he built on a rhythm. _______’s body started to act on its own accord as she also brought the pleasure to Yunho when she started lifting her hips and meeting his thrusts.
Yunho accelerated his speed as he felt closer to the edge. His thrusts were getting rougher and their noises were getting louder.
By this time, their breaths were coming mostly in short gasps.
Yunho grunted as he climaxed a long with _______.
Both of them were panting, trying to catch their breath as reality sunk unto them. Yunho was still hovering over _______, looking at her face intently as his body relied on his elbows for support.
“I really hope you don’t regret this ________ because I won’t.” Yunho told her seriously.
________ smiled and lifter her head to kiss Yunho.
“I’ll only regret it if Nicole ends up killing you because of this.” She answered making Yunho laugh as he laid himself beside her.
Waaah...Thanks for the support you guys! ^_^
Can I call this a sexy comedy? haha. Honestly...not that satisfied -_- I think I'm still getting used to writing this kind of stories again. Last time I wrote was for the Kyu story.

Btw, Nicole here is Nicole from Kara. Just because she shares the same last name with Yunho.hihi

Wait a second! Jjong & SeKyung dating for a month now? So does that mean every time Jonghyun sang Hello he was singing for her...oohh...aww
I can hear fangirl's heart's breaking all over the world re:Jonghyun. Hmmm...he's 'my subject' for the next rated one shot. haha. I can't believe I'm affected. oh well.
Let's just be supportive okay? If he's happy then we should be happy for him, right?
I guess this time the 'JongKey sex tape' will be put to rest now. LOL Yes, I heard of such rumors and I was like -_- ‘ seriously want me to believe this?’ *sarcastic tone*
Oooh but the JongKey shippers.

Let's rant, console and comfort each other haha:

~Comment Replies~
chaelin08: Thanks ^_^ Yup you should. Just wait a while longer, I'll open it soon enough :)
csaephanh: Hihi hope you liked what happened next *wink wink* ;)

My First Love Story Chapter 4

Fan Fiction

My First Love Story

jiyonge yeoja

Chapter 4

Chapter 3: Bad Boy

YB, Trina, and Franceska headed to the city, but decided to go to dinner first since GD and Tabi didn't go on until 11pm."Oppa~" Trina said over the phone.
"Hey, Treens, are you here?" Tabi asked.
"Nope, not yet. We're in the city already, but we're gonna grab dinner first. You and GD oppa want anything?"
"Hey, Ji, Trina wants to know if you want anything from the diner." Trina heard Tabi shout over the phone.
"Whatever she's having is fine," she heard GD say this time.
"Gosh, even over the phone his voice makes me melt," Trina said as she automatically placed her free hand over her heart to keep it from falling.
"You got that?" Trina heard Tabi say.
"Sorry, got what?" she asked, confused.
"Stay with me here! I'll have a burger with disco fries, and GD said he'll have whatever you're having." Tabi repeated.
"Coming right up," Trina said, "I'll call you when we get there."
"Okay see you in a bit." Tabi hung up.
"Sorry about that," Trina apologized to YB and Franceska.
"It's fine," YB said.
"You and your brother seem really close," Franceska said turning around from the passenger seat.
"We are! He gets on my nerves sometimes, but I really do love him. He's my best friend!" Trina said proudly.
"That's cute!" Franceska said, feeling 100% comfortable around Trina.
"You and YB seem close too!" Trina returned the compliment
"We'd have to be..." Franceska paused, "...we only have each other."
YB turned to Franceska giving her a look of sympathy.
"Sorry to hear that," Trina said.
"It's LIFE," Franceska said with a smile on her face trying to disguise her tears.
Trina saw YB pat his sister's hand for comfort. At that moment, Trina realized that Franceska was a lot stronger than her shy demeanor made her appear. "She's a fighter," Trina thought, "she reminds me of my oppa," she realized.
"We're here!" YB said trying to brighten up the mood again.
"Perfect! I'm starving," Franceska said more cheerfully and animated than Trina had ever seen her.
"Me too!" Trina finally chimed in.
They stayed at the diner for a while, until they realized that it was already 10:20.
"Thank goodness we picked a place close enough so we can walk to the club," Franceska said.
"Let me tell oppa to meet us so we don't have to wait in line," Trina suggested.
Trina's text to Tabi:
Oppa, 2 minutes away from the club. LET US IN!!! ;b
Tabi to Trina:
Okay. How many of you so I can tell the bouncer.
Trina to Tabi:
There's 3 of us. YB, Franceska, and me.
Tabi to Trina:
Got it. HAH, I see you... WOW
Tabi sent the last part of the text by accident. His fingers expressed what his mind was thinking when he saw Franceska. He thought she was cute when he first saw her. There was something familiar about her, but he can't put his finger on it. However, the Franceska that's walking towards him took his breath away. No girl has ever had an impact on him like this before.
"Tabi, What's wrong with you?" He asked himself.
"Oppa~!" Trina shouted halfway down the block, which brought Tabi back to reality.
"Hey, lil sis," Tabi greeted.
"Hi... I'm Tabi" He stuck his hand out to YB.
"Sup, man? YB. And my sister, Che. I mean Franceska." YB took Tabi's handshake.
Tabi released YB's hand and extended it to Franceska.
As soon as their skins touched, Tabi felt shivers in his heart, again a feeling of comforting familiarity enveloped him.
"I'm going to have to watch myself around this girl," he thought.
When Franceska released Tabi's hand, they briefly met eyes. Franceska immediately looked down at the street trying to avoid falling for a spell Tabi's eye might put her under; they're that mesmerizing.
"Let's go inside!" Trina said excitedly, breaking the moment.
The four of them headed inside. Once they were out of earshot, Trina grabbed Tabi.
"You can wipe the drool off your face now, she's not watching. She's very pretty, huh?"
"YAH! You need to relax, unless you want me to get started with JiYong." Tabi warned.
"Okay! Okay! Uncle! Can't even take a joke," Trina said.
She turned around to make sure she didn't lose Franceska.
"My brother was so drooling when he saw you," Trina told Franceska.
"He was not!" she denied.
"Fine don't believe me," Trina giggled.
Trina stuck her hand out for Franceska to hold onto as she followed Tabi who was making a path through the crowd. YB was behind Franceska making sure she was okay.
They finally made it to the VIP lounge where GD was sitting. His jaw dropped when he saw Trina. GD pretended to yawn to hide his reaction. He's known Tabi for 5 years now, so he always saw Trina kind of like a little sister, though she was only one year younger than them. She was always his dongsaeng, but at this moment he realized how much she's grown up, she was no longer a baby, and he wanted to make her his.
"Trina, you look fantastic," GD complimented her.
"Now you notice..." Trina said in her head.
"Thanks, oppa~" Trina blushed when she said the words.
"Dangit! How come I always blush when it come to JiYong oppa?" she asked herself.

YB and Franceska were introduced to GD.
"Ah! We'll eat later they're calling us to get ready now," GD said.
"Enjoy the show guys," Tabi told Trina, Franceska and YB, but his eyes lingered a little bit longer on Franceska.
When the duo left, Trina leaned into Franceska's ear.
"Told you!" she said teasingly about Tabi.
"Told me what?" Franceska played innocent.
"You know you know!" ;b Trina winked at her.
"Come on , Let's get a good spot," YB said interrupting the inside joke he was not a part of.
When GD and Tabi were introduced, the crowd went crazy.
"Wow! I didn't realize how popular they are," Franceska told YB.
YB nodded, he was so into the song and his groove he was barely paying attention to anything else.
After GD and Tabi's 2nd song, Franceska felt someone tap her shoulder.
"Hey, Pretty girl," someone whispered in her ear.
She turned around and saw the last person she wanted to see.
"I hardly recognized you, you look extra pretty today," Seungri said.
"Get away from her, you creeper!" Trina shoved Seungri away from Franceska.
"Feisty! you look real good too, babygirl," Seungri sounded like a creeper.
YB noticed what was going on and quickly got in Seungri's face.
"I told you to leave my sister alone, man," was all YB needed to say to get Seungri to leave.
"Sorry about that, I should've been watching you more closely," YB said.
"It's okay, oppa, guys like him are just annoying like that," Franceska said.
Twenty more minutes up on stage and the guys were finally finished performing. GD and Tabi made their way through the crowd to join Franceska, Trina and YB.
"You guys were great," YB high-fived the boys.
"Thanks," GD said.
"Did you girls like it?" Tabi asked the question directed more towards Franceska.
"Yeah, I loved it. You guys are really good. I didn't know you guys sang too." Franceska said not feeling a bit shy in this group even though she had just met them.
"it's just for the meantime, until we find a vocalist." GD said.
"You should hear her sing, oppa," Trina contributed. "She's perfect!"
"Would you be willing to try out tomorrow?" Tabi asked.
"Uhm.." was all Franceska could say before she was interrupted.
"Take your money" started playing and everyone in the club got hyped.
GD pulled Trina out on the dance floor and YB was pulled by some random girl to dance.
"Yah! Don't let me see you touching my sister inappropriately." Tabi yelled at GD.
Tabi's not much of a dancer and he'd be the first to admit it, but feeling the awkwardness he turned to Franceska.
"Uhm..." Tabi started.
"Would you like to dance?" Franceska asked Tabi. She's surprising herself a lot today with her boldness. Since when was she not shy?
"I, uh, actually don't have much rhythm," Tabi admitted.
"Who says we have to follow the rhythm of the song?" Franceska said, "we'll dance to our own beat."
Franceska then turned her body towards Tabi and wrapped her hands around his neck. Tabi's heart started to beat really fast, and then slowed down.
"We can dance to the beat of my heart," he thought, too corny for it to be said out loud. He then placed his hands on her waist. and they swayed slowly, then quickly, matching the beat that they felt.
When the song was over, Franceska felt a tap on her shoulder and someone whispered, "girl, sorry to ruin your moment, but, come with me to the bathroom, pleaseeeeee?"
Franceska let go of Tabi and grabbed on to Trina's hand.
"Trina needs to go to the bathroom," Franceska leaned in to Tabi's ear and explained.
"Oh okay," Tabi took his hands off Franceska hesitantly.
"Sorry oppa!" Trina mouthed.
Tabi just looked at her with a "You're a C-Block!" expression.
GD came over to Tabi.
"You're sister's really cool, man. I never realized how much she's grown up," he said.
Tabi looked at him.
"Don't look at me like that, I'm just sayin'" GD defended himself.
"Look, man, you've been my best friend for 5 years now. I k now you better than anyone. If there's a guy I'd approve of for my sister, it's you. Tabi said letting GD off the hook.
Serious? You're not playin?" GD was taken by surprise.
"Trust!" was all Tabi said.
"Thanks, dude!" GD said grinning from ear to ear.
The bathroom had a line formed outside of it by the time the girls got there.
"I'll stay out here, and wait for you," Franceska said.
"Are you sure?"
"Yea, I don't want to make it more crowded in there than it needs to be."
A few minutes later when Trina was out of sight, Seungri appeared once again.
"Hey, pretty girl, you're all alone, huh? No one to defend you?" Seungri said with the smell of alcohol reaching Franceska's face.
Franceska stuck her hand out to push him away.
"Pretty girl, no need to play hard to get. I know you like me. Come on, let's dance," Seungri said as he grabbed her hand attempting to pull her out on the dance floor.
Franceska pulled her hand back with all her might that it threw her against the post.
"So that's how you want to play," Seungri smirked.
He came towards Franceska and pressed his body against hers pinning her to the wall and attempted to kiss her.
"I always get what I want," he whispered to her ear.
Franceska was near tears as she yelled, "Oppa!" pleading for help.
YB turned toward her direction. He knew his sister's voice anywhere. He saw what was happening and flew to her, rage surging through his veins.

Fan Fiction My First Love Story Chapter 3

Fan Fiction

My First Love Story

jiyonge yeoja

Chapter 3

Chapter 2: Friend

Later that week, Trina and Tabi were home watching TV when all of a sudden, Trina became very excited.
"OMG! I totally forgot to mention this earlier," she started.
"Remember that girl you helped out on Tuesday?" Trina asked Tabi.
"Kinda, hardly though, what about her?" Tabi asked.
"After school today, I saw her going into the choir room with Mr. Kang, and you know me gotta know everything, I followed them. I stood by the door, and listened to what they were talking about." Trina tried to build suspense.
"Is this something I really have to hear, Trina, seriously."
"Just wait. Okay so he started playing the piano and Franceska, that's her name by the way she's in my choir class, started to sing, and OH MY GOSH! I thought my heart was going to melt. No homo. But she is soooooo good, oppa! You have to hear her, she's exactly who you need for your song." Trina finished.
"Great. Get her to come to the audition then." Tabi said nonchalantly.
"Oppa, I'm telling you, she's perfect! I'll ask her to go tomorrow."The next day, Trina sat next to Franceska during choir.
"Hi, I'm Trina."
"Hi... I'm Franceska" she said quietly.
"Is it okay if I sit next to you?" Trina asked.
"Yeah. Sure." Franceska smiled at her.
"I heard, you singing yesterday."
Franceska had a surprised look on her face. "What? Where? When?"
"After school, I was just passing by and I heard your voice it's great!" Trina explained.
"Thanks." Franceska said shyly.
"My brother needs a singer for his group, you should come tomorrow to the auditions." Trina informed her.
Just then Mr. Kang walks into the class.
"Everyone, please go to your sections now, we're about to start warm ups." He instructed.
"I'll look for you at lunch so we can talk," Trina whispered to Franceska before she walked back to where the altos were.
Franceska did not have a chance to say anything so she had no choice but to sit with Trina, she can't say no once they're already at lunch.
Mr. Kang tapped his hand against the piano to get everyone's attention and began the morning warm ups.
At lunch Franceska sat with YB as she has been doing all week.
"Oppa, a girl is going to sit with us today, is that alright?" Franceska asked.
"YOU made a FRIEND? It's a miracle!" YB said jokingly.
"Don't tease, oppa. She heard me singing yesterday for Mr. Kang and now she wants me to try out for her brother's group."
"Awesome! I told you you should!
"I don't think I will. I'm just not ready for it yet" Franceska honestly said.
"It's up to you, Che, but I think you should at least give it a try, if you don't then I will."
"Hey there!" Trina said as she flopped her tray down on the table interrupting the siblings' conversation.
"Oh sorry, did I come here at a bad time?"
"You're fine." Franceska told her.
"Hi, I'm Trina," she stuck her hand out towards YB.
"Hey, YoungBae, but just call me YB, it's easier."
"Are you two...?" Trina was being nosy already.
"Are we... me and her? HAH!" YB started laughing hysterically.
"He's my brother," Franceska clarified before her brother chokes on his own spit.
"haha okay, just wondering."
"So how'd you two meet?" YB asked Trina.
"We're in the same period of Mr. Kang's choir class." Trina said.
"Cool. Cool. So you sing too?" YB continued his questions.
"A little bit, my brother got more of the musical talent, and I'm certainly not as good as Franceska."
Franceska became shy and looked down at her food. She doesn't like being complimented on her singing, she feels like she doesn't deserve it.
"Speaking of my brother, would you want to come with me to their show tonight? They're performing at a club in the City. You can check out how they sound and see if you wanna audition tomorrow." Trina suggested.
"Uhmm. I don't know. " Franceska said, still looking down at her food.
"Come on, just come! It'll be fun, I promise I won't leave your side, and your brother can come too?" Trina directed the question at YB.
"Yeah, sure I'll go, I wanna check them out." YB agreed.
"Perfect. You have no reason not to go now. What's your number? Just in case you have any questions."
Franceska dictated her number.
"It's calling. You got it?" Trina made sure.
"Yeah. Got it." Franceska told her.
"I'll see you tonight." Trina smiled as she got up and left to go to her next class.
"WoooHoo! Lil sis chillen with her oppa tonight! hahah." YB joked with her.
"Yeah Yeah Yeah. Be glad!" Trina said, not amused.
At around 4pm while Franceska was at home rummaging through her closet for something that might actually pass for a decent outfit for tonight, her phone started to vibrate.
Trina's text to Franceska:
Hey, wanna get ready and head to the club together?
Franceska paused for a second.
"Hmm... Oh what the heck. take your chances, Che," she told herself.
Franceska's text to Trina:
Yeah, sure. You want to just come over so that my oppa can give us a ride?
Within seconds there was a reply.
Trina's text to Franceska:
Definitely! Be there in 30 minutes. Just text me your address. See you in a bit ^^
Within 30 minutes Trina was knocking on their door with about 10 shopping bags filled with items.
YB answered the door.
"Hey. What's all this?" he asked with a stunned look on his face.
"Franceska and I are going to get ready for the show tonight"
"From what I gather, that only requires one outfit. You can live here for a month and not repeat clothes with all the outfits you've got there." YB made fun of her.
"A girl's gotta have choices. Can I please come in?"
"Oh sorry, yeah come on in. Che's room is the first room at the top of the stairs." YB instructed her.
Franceska was getting really frustrated. "How can I not have a single decent outfit? Gah! My wardrobe is so boring. T-shirts, skinny jeans, hoodies, cardigans, flats, nike high tops, and even more T-shirts. As she was dumping all the contents of her closet onto her bed, she heard a knock.
"Come in," she said as she sat on her bed and put her palms to her face.
"Oppa, I have nothing to wear!" she almost shouted.
"PERFECT! I think I have the solution." Trina said excitedly, lifting the bags to show Franceska.
Franceska was surprised. She thought it was YB who knocked, but once she saw Trina with all these clothes she got really excited. She rushed to the door and helped Trina put the bags down.
"Oh gosh, you're my life saver!" Franceska said gratefully.
"Nope. That's my oppa remember?" Trina joked.
Franceska blushed and looked down at the bags suddenly remembering the moment that she and Trina's brother met eyes. It was like in the fairy tales when the prince would scoop the princess and stare her in the eyes just before they kiss. Franceska started day dreaming.
"Franceska, are you alright?" Trina waved her hand in front of Franceska's face.
"I'm fine. Sorry."
"Thinking about my brother?" Trina teased her.
"What? No. I was just... uhm, something came to mind." Franceska said nervously exposing her lie.
"I was just joking," Trina laughed, "but you were, weren't you? You have a crush on my oppa?"
"No.. I can't... I only saw him one time, I've never really, actually met him yet. So I can't have a crush on him." Franceska clarified.
"Okay. I believe you." Trina winked at Franceska.
"I just think he's really nice for helping me even when he doesn't know me. And..." Trina paused.
"He's uhmm.. It's just I find him attractive." Franceska said boldly. She can't believe she actually said that out loud. She never told stuff like that to people she had just met, but she feels really comfortable around Trina.
"Haha. Aww, that's cute. I'm sure he finds you really attractive too! Especially after I'm done with you." Trina got up and started to lay all the outfits out on the bed and quickly got to work on Franceska's hair and make up.
Around 9pm YB knocked on Franceska's door.
"You ladies ready?" he asked.
"Just about." Trina shouted. "Don't come in yet, we'll be down in 2 minutes. It'll be a surprise!"
YB headed downstairs and waited by the door.
A few minutes later he saw Trina looking beautiful in a blue blouse with a small black vest over it, black short shorts and heels.
"Hold your breath," she said, "the main attraction is coming."
Just then Franceska walks down the stairs wearing a shimmery red baby doll dress with black tights and pumps. He hair was up with a few strands hanging down in curls, and most important of all, she glowed with this confidence that YB has not seen in her.
"Wow, baby sis, you look beautiful!"
"Thanks, oppa." Franceska blushed and looked down at the stairs.
"Ladies, let's go." YB stuck out his hand escorting them out the door.

Fan Fiction One Time Big Time (one-three shots R / NR stories)

Fan Fiction

One Time Big Time (one-three shots R / NR stories)

jiyonge yeoja

Chapter 1

Yunho U-know 1 / 2

"_______, I’m so sorry. I totally forgot that I had a workshop to attend this week. I’ll be only gone for 4 days…5 at the max, you can still stay here though. I mean you’ve already stayed here for weeks before so this won’t be any different.” Nicole apologetically told her friend.“But you were always here during my stay. I’m kinda shy to stay here alone, I’m only visiting and I don’t want to impose and make this a hotel. It’s okay I’ll go to my aunt’s place first and I’ll just come back here when you do.” ________ told her best friend.
“But your aunt’s place is 3 hours away from here! Come on _____. You’re no stranger here. Besides it’s just Yunho oppa who will be here. He won’t dare to bother you if he knows what’s good for him.” Nicole tried to convince ______. She wouldn’t let her friend go after she invited her over so they could bond.
They haven’t seen each other since they were too busy with their universities. Both of them were on their breaks and they needed to catch up. Nicole felt sorry that she forgot her prior appointments when ______ just stayed at her house for 2 days.
______ laughed at Nicole’s warning to Yunho. Nicole was much younger than Yunho but the power she had over him was hilarious, maybe because Yunho really cared about his sister that he didn’t care and he just wanted her to be happy.
“Please please please _______. I’ll be gone for a couple of days, you’ll manage. We haven’t seen each other for half a year. If you leave you’ll be hesitant about coming back and when that happens…friendship over.” Nicole started to explain to _______. She was talking too fast now and even though they’ve been best friends for 7 years, _______ still couldn’t understand Nicole once she starts on her talking rampage.
“Fine fine. Just ask Yunho oppa for permission first, okay?” _______ finally gave in making Nicole smile brightly.

Nicole told her brother and it was no problem since he knew how close ______ and his sister were. Yunho have met ______ numerous times and he knew how close the girls were.

- The next day-

“_____ stay here okay. Don’t even think about packing your stuff and pretend that you’re still here.” Nicole told ______.
“Yes yes. You sound like a mom, you know that?” _______ teased Nicole
“I just want you to be comfortable, you’re practically my sister. We are soul sisters”
“Yeah. I know. Have a safe trip sweetie.” ______ said as she hugged her friend.
“Yup, you too. Be safe, I’m sure Yunho oppa will take care of you. Just call me if he’s acting up.” Nicole reminded ______.
“Hey I heard that!” Yunho said as he walked inside Nicole’s room.
“Have you forgotten to knock?” Nicole asked her brother as she got her bag from the bed.
Yunho rolled his eyes before letting Nicole know that her cab was there.
“Oh alright.” Nicole answered. Everyone walked down the stairs and Yunho and ______ waved goodbye to Nicole.
“Are you hungry?” Yunho asked _______ as he closed the door.
“Uhm…no I’m still okay. Thanks.” _______ shyly answered as she tucked the hair behind her ear.
“Well okay, don’t be shy to help yourself around here, okay? I’ll just be in my room” Yunho said and ______ nodded.

______ went back to the guest room to take a nap. She woke up half an hour later and decided to take an exercise through jogging around.
She left a note on the door just incase Yunho looked for her.

As _______ ran, she reminisced about the past years that she’s been friends with Nicole.
They actually started on the wrong foot as Nicole thought she was the girl who two-timed her brother. She didn’t even know who Yunho was until Nicole pointed him out to her.
Yunho apologized to _______ about Nicole’s wrong doing, the sister also apologized but _______ didn’t take the matter into heart since she understood where Nicole was coming from. _______ immediately had a crush on Yunho after their first meeting but she kept it to herself.
After that incident, the two girls started to know more about each other and then became inseparable.

_______ went back home after 2 hours of exercising.
Yunho was in the couch watching tv and he greeted her back.
“Nicole called earlier to say that she already arrived at the place. You MUST call her back since she already assumed that I did something to you.” Yunho told ______, chuckling in the end.
_______ replied casually and excused herself to take a bath.
Yunho took care of dinner as _______ took her time in the bathroom before giving Nicole a call.

The night ended quickly and the two went back to their respective rooms to sleep after dinner.

- 2 Days After –

*Ding Dong*

_______ went out of the kitchen as she quickly walked towards the door and opened it.
The guy on the other end just stared at her.
“Yes? May I help you?” ______ asked the guy, brining him back to reality.
“Oh yeah. I’m a friend of Yunho. Is he here?” Jaejoon took a quick glance on the number at the side of the house ’46, this is his address right?’ he thought.
“Oh hold on.” ______ said. She gently closed the door on him, of course being the cautious her, she didn’t want to take any chances of letting a stranger inside the house.
Seconds after Yunho opened the door and greeted his friend, welcoming him into the house.
Jaejoong walked in and sat comfortably on the couch with his friend.
Jaejoong eyed ______ again as he saw her on the kitchen, making God knows what. Jaejoong liked the view of her back as she just wore shorts and plain tank top.
“Yah, where do you think are you ogling at?” Yunho hit his friend on the back.
“Dude, who is she? Your girl?” Jaejoong asked curiously as he brought his eyes back to his friend.
“No man. She’s my sister’s best friend. She was visiting Nicole so she’s been staying here but Nicole had to attend to something out of town so they’ll just catch up when she gets back.” Yunho explained
“So you’re baby sitting her? I’d want to baby sit her real good or she can baby sit me if you know what I mean.” Jaejoong nodded in improvement of his own dirty idea while Yunho just rolled his eyes.
“Yunho you have to set me up with her.” Jaejoong told Yunho, he kept his voice low just incase ______ heard.
“Are you kidding me!? I can’t do that.” Yunho protested
“Why the hell not?!”
“Don’t you remember? My sister has the biggest crush on you and you kinda lead her on man so you have to stick with her.”
“Well honestly…” Jaejoong took a second look on ______ before returning his gaze back on Yunho. “…I would choose your sister over _______, but you threaten me so much that it scares me to even make the next move of touching Nicole.” Jaejoong explained.
“Damn right. You better not Jae or I’ll kick you so hard on the crotch that you won’t be able to pee or have an erection again.” Yunho turned into the serious-overprotective brother mode.
“See! You’re too violent when obviously your sister wants me…bad and dirty.”
Yunho asked Jaejoong to drop the topic and they just proceeded in continuing the song they were writing from before.

After a while ______ called the guys out into the dining table, inviting them to eat some Ramen with her.
Jaejoong dashed out from his seat and sat right next to ______.
“I don’t think we’ve been introduced properly, I’m Jaejoong.” Jaejoong extended his hand to shake with _______’s.
“Hi. I’m _______, Nicole’s friend.” ______ replied with a smile and shook his hand.
Yunho just rolled his eyes and sat across ______, he took the initiative of putting the ramen on their bowls. The three started eating and made some small talk.
“So ______, do you have a boyfriend?” Jaejoong asked out of the blue
______ shook her head.
“Really now...interesting. Are you looking for one?” Jaejoong asked again, slightly making _______ uncomfortable. Yunho slightly kicked Jaejoong below the table and eyed him to stop.

‘Thank God!’ _______ screamed mentally as she stood up and answered the phone.
It was Nicole just checking up on them and told _______ about her day.
“Don’t worry I’ll be back the day after tomorrow, okay?” Nicole reminded ______.

- The Day After –

After Jaejoong pointed out the physical qualities he observed about _______, Yunho couldn’t help but notice as well. Since when did he become interested in ________? And the bigger question was, why didn’t he notice her beauty before?

Just like the usual, _______ walked casually around the house.
Yunho who went down from his room saw _______ sitting on the couch.
‘Did she always wear shorts??’ Yunho mentally asked himself.
They greeted each other as Yunho sat on the opposite end of the couch. He could see ______’s smooth legs in the corner of his eye.
He took a quick glance of her only to see that head was tilted to the side as she fell asleep.
Yunho chuckled at the sight but stopped when his eyes focused on her neck. It was already an access if he wanted to kiss the expanse skin on her neck, her collar bone. Yunho shook his head to get the thoughts off of his mind. ’Yunho, get a hold of yourself. That’s your sisters’ best friend. Nicole will kill you!’ he scolded himself.
He couldn’t help but look back at _______’s face. Her lips seem so soft, her jaw line sculpted beautifully. The cut of _______’s top showed a bit of her cleavage and Yunho was interested to see more.
“Stop!” Yunho slightly shouted as he bolted up from his seat. He couldn’t believe what he was imagining.
“Huh?” ______ was awoken and startled by noise.
Yunho marched back up the stairs and went to his room.
Right now all he could think about was _______. He wanted to touch her in places that were covered by her clothes. He wanted to feel her lips on his. He wanted to hear the noises that she would make if he pleasures her. He wanted to explore here.
Yunho paced back and forth in his room, trying to distract himself from just going out the room and pouncing on _______.
‘I hate Jaejoong.’ He mumbled.
To be continued...
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