♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣ ¤*"¨NARA CLAN"S¨"*¤ ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣¤
Basic Words
Yes: Hai
No: Iie
Thank you: Arigato
Thank you very much: Arigato gozaimasu
You're welcome: Douitashimashite
Please: Douzo
Excuse me: sumimasen, shitsurei shimasu
Hello: Kon-nichiwa
Goodbye: Sayounara
So long: jaamataashita
Good morning: O hayou gozaimasu
Good afternoon: Kon-nichiwa
Good evening: Konbanwa
Good night: Oyasuminasai
Post office: Yuubinkyoku
Museum: Hakubutsu kan
Bank: Ginkou
Police station: Keisatsusho
Hospital: Byouin
Pharmacy, Chemists: Yakkyoku
Store, Shop: Mise
Restaurant: Resutoran, Shokudou
School: Gakkou
Church: Kyoukai
Train: Kisha, Ressha
Bus: Basu
Subway, Underground: Chikatetsu
Airport: Kuukou
Train station: Eki
Bus station: Basu tei
Subway station, Underground station: Chikatetsu no eki
Departure: Shuppatsu
Arrival: Touchaku
Parking: Chuushajou
Hotel: Hoteru
Room: Heya
Reservation: Yoyaku
Passport: Pasupooto
Breakfast: Chohshoku
Lunch: Chuushoku
Dinner: Yuushoku
Vegetarian: Saishoku shugisha
Cheers! Kanpai
Bread: Pan
Beverage: Nomimono
Coffee: Koohii
Tea: Ocha, Koucha
Juice: Juusu
Water: Mizu
Beer: Biiru
Wine: Wain
Salt: Shio
Wife: Kanai, Tsuma
Husband: Shujin, Otto
Daughter: Musume
Son: Musuko
Mother: Haha, Okaasan
Father: Chichi, Otousan
Friend: Tomodachi
Left: Hidari
Right: Migi
Straight: Massugu
Up: Ue
Down: Shita
Far: Tooku
Near: Chikaku
Long: Nagai
Short: Mijikai
Map: Chizu
Tourist Information: (Ryokou)Annaisho
About Me

- jiyonge yeoja "isty nara uchiha"
- jombang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
- Isty Nara Uchiha, itu nama penaku :) Blog ini saya buat karena ada tugas TIK. Jadi isinya ya seadanya, cuma tulisan iseng yang mungkin kurang penting...Hhhahaa Jombang (Nara)

time is knowledge
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Sebenernya ni gambar cuma di tujukan buat saia ,tapi chingu2 jg mau lihat kan!! *lebay....*
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