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- jiyonge yeoja "isty nara uchiha"
- jombang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
- Isty Nara Uchiha, itu nama penaku :) Blog ini saya buat karena ada tugas TIK. Jadi isinya ya seadanya, cuma tulisan iseng yang mungkin kurang penting...Hhhahaa Jombang (Nara)

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Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010
Seungri interview on ELT
I heard that you want to use Japanese throughout the interview.Yes, I will work hard. If there are parts I don't understand, I can ask the translator, right?
Of course.
Ok then. Thank you.
For starters, what kind of person does V.I think he is?
Maybe a lot of people think I am always full of confidence but in reality, this isn't entirely true. I have a fragile heart... very fragile. I don't like showing my weakness to others so I just practice and practice and act confident. Toward my [confident] self, I am sometimes still bothered when other members say, "Why are so proud?"
Do you ever feel scared?
I'm always scared especially before standing on stage. However, when I'm already there on stage and facing the fans, I realize they'll accept me no matter what so my fear disappears. What I'm really scared of are activities on TV shows. Since there will be fans of other idols present too, there will be some who are not familiar with BIGBANG. On those occasions, I try to avoid doing things that will give the group a bad impression. I just remember what I practiced and stand there with confidence. If I don't prepare as well as I should, I might get stage fright and fans will notice that I'm nervous.
Have you always been this careful when you were young?
Well…I am a blood type A person. When I was a kid, I really loved comedies. I tried hard to make my friends in class laugh when I was a student in elementary school and junior high school. So I really thought I was going to be a gagman in the future! (Laughs) However, a dance team came to my junior high school's festival one day and they surprised me. I wanted to be like them so I started taking lessons from this team. I learned from them for about 2 years. At that time, I began to think that I want to be an entertainer and had the idea that being an entertainer is probably as good as being a singer.
How did you come up with this idea?
I don’t know. (Laughs) I don’t know but I was really serious back then. I wanted to be popular. To be popular, being a singer is the best, I thought. However I was poor at singing. I was only confident in my dancing. I was aware of my poor singing and didn’t like karaoke so much. But I really wanted to stand out.
But you needed to sing~
I was at my wits’ end. At an audition I was told, “Aren’t you unfit to be a singer?” After that, I concentrated on my singing lessons for about a year. I didn’t dance at all. Then, I took an audition when I thought I got in a level that I can already sing in front of the audience. This was an audition held by YG Entertainment. The president said to me then, “I can see your future.”
How did you feel when you hear this?
I was really happy from the bottom of my heart. So I thought, “Perhaps am I good!? I can be a singer!!” That time I didn't really have confidence so his words really inspired me. However when I got into the office and saw the other BIGBANG members training, I was really shocked. I thought I won't be able to get over it.
Were their levels that high?
Yes...very high. Our members were very good at singing and dancing since that time. I'm not exaggerating. It's true. I felt like I lost in all areas. I was poor at everything. Because of this, I went on practicing and practicing…just practicing.
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Sebenernya ni gambar cuma di tujukan buat saia ,tapi chingu2 jg mau lihat kan!! *lebay....*
Vip Slideshow: Isty’s trip from Seoul, South Korea to 2 cities Tokyo and Incheon was created by TripAdvisor. See another Japan slideshow. Take your travel photos and make a slideshow for free.
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